In the interest of my own sanity, I decided to one "entry" for all of the cards. The Christmas gathering is always one of the most fun!!! Who can resist all of the tempting appetizers and treats? Everyone's favorite seemed to be the Kahlua fruit dip (Melanie maybe you could post the recipe?), but I sampled everything and there was nothing that disappointed. Even better than the food was the wonderful creativity of the cards and crafts this time. Some personal favorites were Jennifer's with her creative recycling effort of a pop can popper thingy, Gretchen's "May Your Holidays Sparkle" cards that many commented looked professional, Melanie's use of rhinestones (I love them but just can't ever seem to integrate them into my projects), the only non-holiday card created by Stephanie, and Teri's simple, but adroable paper ornaments. I can't wait for next month and see what everyone comes up with.